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Kim Kardashianneutrals have become her favorite color in fashion, beauty and home decor. Beats Fit Pro collaborated to produce Beats x Kim. The KardashiansKim’s love for monochromatic moments is well-known to viewers, but the drop offers more than just a color palette. Kim released a press statement saying that her goal was to get rid of the belief that headphones need to be vibrant to make a statement.
Kim said, “This collaboration allows you to blend into or stand out. Beats is well-known for making products that show individuality.” Beats x Kim’s drop is all about fashion and function. With three neutral colors, the Beats Fit Pro drops Kim’s minimalistic aesthetic: Moon (light), Dune(medium), and Earth (deep).
Earbuds are something we all require. They are the perfect earbuds to help you get through your day, whether it’s at work or in the gym. The brand’s Active Noise Cancellation gives these a premium sound. Don’t be discouraged if these earbuds are your favorite but you don’t own an iPhone. These earbuds can be used with Android phones via the Beats companion application.
You’re not alone if you are excited by this collaboration. Apple sold them out. But, Amazon still allows you to “Keep Up with Kim”