Ali WongPrime Video’s new YA series trailer shows her facing up to her past Paper Girls.
In the preview, the comedian, who plays the adult version of Erin Tieng, stumbles into the kitchen and meets three preteens. “Who’s there?” Adult Erin, wearing pajamas and holding a stick. “What’s your problem in my home?”
Erin younger, played by Riley Lai NeletAnswered, “What’re you doing in?” my house?”
They realize that they’re one person.
It was awkward to meet the preteen Erin, who has traveled back in time from 1988. Adult Erin continues to mutter, “This doesn’t really happen,” but the preteen Erin has no illusions.
This may sound confusing. Especially for the four paper girls, who are just as funny as the others. Stranger Things kids. Tiffany Quilkin and Erin Tieng, (Riley) make up the crew.Camryn JonesMac CoyleSofia RosinskyKJ Brandman and ).Fina Strazza), who were working their newspaper route when they get caught in the crossfire of warring time travelers.