Terry Bradshaw is going back to the beginning.

Enjoy an exclusive peek inside the brand new The Bradshaw Bunch, airing tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 22, Terry takes his family to see his childhood home in Shreveport, Louisiana. 

Terry points out “I was born in that house”, reminiscing his childhood memories of the front yard and playing with it. Then, Terry is hilariously reminded by a producer that Terry was actually raised in an apartment in the same building. Different house. 

It’s been 65 years since Terry was last here! 

Terry, once he has found the perfect house for him, knocks on his door together with his children RachelErin LaceyTow. 

Terry jokes with the current owner, “What’s your house doing?” Terry jokes with the owner. Kevin

Terry then gives Terry and his family a tour. “These floors were waxed once per week by my mother,” he says. Terry explains how his mom was proud to show off her floors, and points out the spot where an old black-and white television once belonged. 

Terry also revealed that there were three persons who occupied the same bedroom in those days.