Be ready to watch more of your favourite shows, as a lot have been renewed.

Freeform’s Single Drunk Female and Peacock’s Wolf Like Me were both renewed for season two on April 26, while CBS’ police drama Blue Bloodsre-launched for the 13th season.

Single Drunk FemaleStars Sofia Black-D’EliaSamantha is a recovering alcoholic, who escapes prison by moving in with her mom. Ally Sheedy. In March, the series concluded its inaugural season.

Wolf Like MeStars Josh GadAnd Isla FisherThey are a married couple that is intrinsically bound by their shared secrets and emotional baggage. Josh is Gary, the father-to-be who struggles to provide for his children after the loss of his wife. Isla portrays Mary, a woman who refuses to share her story. The first season of the series aired on January 1. 

Blue BloodsWhat stars? Tom Selleck, Bridget MoynahanAnd Donnie WahlbergThe show follows the Reagans and their history of New York City police enforcement. The fourth most-rated show on broadcast television is currently the 12th season.