Terry BradshawHe might be able to fulfill his wish. 

The NFL legend has often spoken out in support of more grandchildren. The Bradshaw BunchHis daughter, Rachel Bradshaw announces some promising news. 

As the above sneak peek clip shows, Rachel’s revelation comes after Terry and his mom check in with Erin Bradshaw, who has been trying to get pregnant.

“You’ve got to have a child before I go on the promise land,” the “nanny for the girls” said.

Erin insists that she and her husband should be remarried. ScottThey are trying. In fact, in an attempt to move the process along, they’re even testing out an alcohol detox. She’s definitely feeling the pressure, and in a confessional, she tells Rachel she’s “super lucky” to not be in the same boat. 

But that’s not the truth. Erin tells her that she is also thinking about it. “I am thinking about all of those things, even single and unmarried.”