4. Allen’s Home ImprovementFrau Patricia Richardson And Everybody Loves RaymondStar Patricia Heaton were considered for the role of Laura, but Wendy CrewsonScott’s ex-wife, she was ultimately her role.
4. Judge ReinholdThe part of Laura’s spouse (and Scott’s nemesis), Neal Miller, was nabbed though Stanley Tucci, Jeff Daniels, Bradley Whitford were considered. He would eventually appear in all three films.
6. The hardest role to cast was Charlie, Scott’s son, as they were looking for a child actor between the ages of 6 and 9, “who had sensitivity” casting director Renee Rousselot shared in the Biography special and was “able to really access those emotions, but have a real innocence about him.” The production team launched open auditions in 13 different cities before finding Eric Lloyd.
7. During filming of the original movie, Lloyd had to wear dentures after knocking out his front teeth when he went to a baseball game with his family. Oh, and that poster of Scott and Charlie? It wasn’t Lloyd’s body. Lloyd explained on Reddit that “it’s another kid standing behind Tim Allen’s cutout.” They just put my name on it. They didn’t have me pay them for another day.”