Rebecca GrossmanA murder trial is likely after two young boys died in a vehicle accident.

Grossman Burn Foundation co-founder was summoned to appear in court on May 5, for the alleged murder of two children at a Westlake Village crossingwalk. According to NBC Los Angeles, Grossman faces two felony murder charges, two felony vehicular manslaughter counts with gross negligence, and one hit-and run driving resulting in the death count. 

Grossman’s attorney made an apology to CelebHomes News. Dmitry GorinAccording to part of her statement, Rebecca Grossman, a mother as well as a human being is distraught and overcome with grief. It was not what she expected or could have envisioned that night. As she approached the intersection from a dark blind corner, she didn’t see any pedestrians.

Los Angeles County Superior Judge Shellie SamuelsAfter a preliminary hearing lasting five days, the prosecution decided the charges. “The defendant was not rushing to get home; she was playing a high-speed game of chicken” with another person, Samuels said, per the Los Angeles Times. “I think the defendant did a lot more than gross negligence.”