Julia HaartDoesn’t live by the books, but Did recently write one—and rest assured, it’s just as entertaining as her Netflix series, My unorthodox life.
Titled Brazen, the new memoir offers a deeper look at how she left what she said was an extremist religious sect and became a self-made businesswoman. “I talk about everything,” Julia exclusively teased during CelebHomes News’ Daily Pop on May 16, “My mistakes as well as my successes.”
Not to mention, her ongoing divorce from ex Silvio Scaglia Haart. “I really think that many women have been through this,” Julia said, “and I think as much as my past life is something that people relate to in different ways, what I’m going through now, so many people have been through nasty divorces.”
Through hers, which she initiated in February after being married to Silvio for nearly three years, Julia said she’s been “attacked” and “vilified,” seemingly referencing the lawsuit her estranged husband launched just days after she filed for divorce. She stated, “I believe that if you demand freedom and demand your voice, then you will make enemies.”