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Are you the only person who finds it so glam to wear underwear that matches your bra? Even if I’m the only one who sees, it’s nice mood booster for sure. This is something I would love to do every day. However, it’s difficult finding bras that will fit my large chest, that won’t be sports bras and that have no matronly silhouettes. Since middle school, this shopping dilemma has been an ongoing struggle. It was important to me that I wore something fashionable and comfortable. 

Finally, an Instagram post for Lounge Underwear caught my eye and I was inspired to buy it. After trying on so many bras, which didn’t fit me properly, what was the point of one more? Lounge Underwear delivered stunning bras, pants, and loungewear I couldn’t resist. If you are curious, bras come up to a G-cup.

Lounge Underwear is a great sale. Enjoy discounts up to 70% on select products, which seems too good-to-be true. Ready to go shopping? These are some of my suggestions.