He added, “Look, man. I love the paparazzi. “I love the media. I love everything. They send these two people, likely as agents to gaslight the situation.
Ye stated that the autograph-seeker was the same thing as the paparazzi. “This person is using your images, and who likely never listened. They are people who are like, ‘This song is real, for real?’
This incident happened more than one day before Ye’s new single “Easy,” which refers to his ex. Kim KardashianTheir children, and includes a violently lyric. Pete DavidsonThe reality star, who has been seeing a woman since the fall.
TMZ posted a video of what appeared to be the aftermath of the alleged altercation, showing a man lying on a sidewalk as Ye yells and argues with an unidentified woman trying to calm him down. He tells her, “I’m your family.” TMZ reports that the woman was his cousin.