Kaley CuocoIs ready to take on something that she has never done before.

Get the Hottest from the Flight Attendant‘s second season on HBO Max, the actress revealed her surprising post-summer plans in an exclusive interview with CelebHomes News’ Daily PopApril 31.

Host She said, “I’m taking off the rest of this year,” Justin Sylvester. “These words have never been spoken in all my career.”

After she wraps her new movie—the thriller The Role of PlayDirection by Thomas VincentBig Bang TheoryThe alum will be on a short vacation.

She said, “My priorities have changed.” Daily Pop. “I have several focuses in my daily life.” Her new boyfriend is one of these focuses. OzarkActor Tom Pelphrey. The two began dating months after Kaley filed for divorce from her ex-husband, Karl CookIn September 2021, after three years of marriage.

One thing her acting sabbatical won’t include: taking a break from her phone. “No, no. She laughed. She laughed, “Let’s keep it real, okay? I made a joke.”