Judge Greg MathisFighting injustice at the home and in court.

CelebHomes premiere episode Mathis Family MattersThe son of TV Arbitrator,. Greg Mathis Jr.Judge Mathis felt like he wanted to fight when he learned that he had kept his sexuality hidden to preserve his father’s image.

CelebHomes News exclusive: “Anger at people and anger at homophobes. That’s what I felt,” he said. Daily PopMay 22. “I felt that I had to take on anyone who could inflict any injustice, discrimination, or hostility due to sexual orientation. They were my goal.

Having fought for “every disadvantaged group that is criticized based on sexual orientation, gender, poverty and race,” Judge Mathis hopes his and Greg Jr.’s journey will help promote LGBTQ+ acceptance, especially in the Black community.

He said that much of this was founded on religious teachings. We ask that the judgment is overturned and we demand equality for all and anti-gay-bashing from the Black church.