Barry remembered that he wrote to Liv last Wednesday to tell her: “YOU, Liv. ARE love and light.” Now remembering her legacy, Barry noted “And, simply….that is exactly what she now is…more than ever.”

Michael TucciCelebHomes News was told by Sonny, a T-Birds actor, that Olivia was “so very special”.

“She was a precious treasure to me, my family”, he said. “She was so sweet and kind to everybody she came across. My heart breaks for her family and friends. John [Travolta].”

John Zuko was Sandy’s love interest. John took to Instagram following the news to show his appreciation for Olivia, his “dearest Olivia.”

His words were: “Your effect was amazing.” I love you so very much. You will be with me down the road, and you will also see me again. You are my Danny, your John from the very first time I met you. Your Danny, your John!”