This is a positive step towards sex-positivity.

HBO Max’s new series Minx may be set in the ’70s but it feels incredibly relevant in this day and age. This TV series follows Joyce, an ultra-feminist.Ophelia Lovibond) and Hugh Hefner-wannabe Doug (Jake Johnson) as they launch a female erotica magazine with the help of a housewife, a porn model and the occasional mafioso. 

Like in any workplace comedy, they hit their fair share of roadblocks, but Ophelia recently told CelebHomes News that the biggest challenge is Joyce’s inability to tap into her sexual desires. Joyce, who was born in 1972, has made it to the top by operating in a certain manner. “She’s afraid that relaxing could compromise her,” she shared.

It’s “difficult for Joyce” to get over the idea that homosexuality could be a weakness. Ophelia stated, “It was enjoyable to play her slowly relaxing into this and then indulge in it. Then discovering that she can both.” [sexual and smart].”