An Orange County Circuit Court Judge granted an injunction to permanently stop the execution of Bob SagetCelebHomes News has obtained the following documents: s medical records from March 14.
CelebHomes News was provided with this statement Brian BieberThe family’s lawyer, Mr. X, stated that the court motion would help them find their peace and privacy while they continue to move.
Brian stated that “The whole Saget family is thankful that Judge allowed their request to preserve Bob’s dignity and privacy rights after they suffered this tragic, unexpected loss.” “We are glad that the issue was resolved and that we can move on with our healing journey.”
Bieber closed the statement with a thank you note to all who kept the Sagets in their thoughts. He said, “All the well wishes and prayers that have been continuously sent to the family are greatly appreciated.”
This is after the court temporarily blocked records of the deceased actor from being released Feb. 16th, after his family had filed suit Feb. 15 in order to preserve their confidentiality.