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Free People fans, it’s time to do some shopping. For one day only, Free People is holding a sale on five of their best-selling denim styles. Everything included, regardless of its original cost, is $50 off! This is an incredible deal considering some styles retail for $130-$150. Fall is right around the corner so it’s an excellent time to get a stylish pair of jeans at a reasonable price.

You can find straight-leg styles as well, along with overalls and other options such as ultra-high waisted and low-rise pants, and colored jeans. One of our standouts are the Straight Shooter Jeans that come from their CRVY jean collection. Every piece is designed to flatter your figure and enhance your assets. This piece also has a contoured waistband, which hugs your waist and leaves nothing to the side. Straight Shooter Jeans are available in sizes from 24 to 35. They cost $128 at the original price. They are only $50, which is amazing. 

Below are the 5 denim styles on sale today at Free People (and they are only available today). You won’t find certain styles or sizes in stock, so make sure you shop now!