Elijah WoodWe are on the case!

The Lord of the RingsAlum was cast as a character in the second season’s season-long drama by Showtime Yellowjackets.

Elijah will play “Walter, a dedicated Citizen Detective,” according to the network, “who will challenge Misty (Christina RicciShe won’t believe it.”

In season one, the older version of Misty found herself in trouble at every turn—helping Shauna (Melanie LynskeyYou can dispose of the body of an older patient by withholding medications from them. It’s nothing serious, you know!

Walter is also going to be helping Misty, who was a self-described citizen detective. 

YellowjacketsElijah and Christina will be reunited, having starred in the 1997 film together. Ice Storm. In the movie, the two played teenage neighbors who eventually shared a kiss at the bottom of a pool.

Elijah said, “It was almost like two people who didn’t know their stuff sticking their tongues down as deep as they could.” Chris Hardwick2017 It was 2017.

Second chances are the best!