Pitt seemed to be improving in his physical health, but his mental state was still not good. The actor shared that he had “spent years with a low-grade depression.”
“I always felt very alone in my life,” he said. As a child, I felt alone. [in Los Angeles]It was only very recently that I experienced a more intimate embrace from my loved ones and friends. It was Einstein or Rilke, I believe, but the line was about how you can be with the paradox. When you have real pain and joy at once, that is maturity. This is growth.
Pitt’s newfound urge for a healthier lifestyle came after his marriage to Jolie seemed to fall apart. The time that she filed for divorce was when the Malefecient actress sought physical custody of their six kids—Maddox, 20, Pax, 18, Zahara, 17, ShilohThe ages of 16 years and the twins Knox and Viviennne, 13—and suggested that Pitt get visitation rights, according to court documents obtained by CelebHomes News.