Do not be tempted to buy roses Gabby WindeyAnd Rachel RecchiaAre you ready to buy some dancing shoes?

These are the top ladies in season 19. Bachelorette are open to joining season 31 of Dancing With the StarsThe company has not yet named their celebrities. They said the same to both Bachelorettes CelebHomes News Daily Pop at the taping for the “Men Tell It All” episode.

Not only did Gabby confidently show off some moves, she quipped, “I love to dance, love to dance more than I love to make out with boys on TV—which love to do that a lot. It’s a big compliment!

Gabby also confirmed, just in case you were wondering, that she was a trained ballet dancer.

It is this reason that Rachel wanted Gabby cast more. Dancing With the StarsShe is more important than her own self. Gabby has always been her advocate. Dancing With The StarsShe would like to dance with us.”

“You might be the first Gabby and me to compete against one another,” she said. “Who knows, we’ll see!”