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Is sitting at your desk all day doing nothing for your sense of happiness? It’s not uncommon. We’re pretty sure that we have all been there. Because we enjoy finding things that can make our lives easier, we have compiled a list of super cute desk accessories. These accessories may not be practical for everyone, such as the chubby potato on horseback riding on a unicorn. But they can help you lift your spirits during a stressful workday. 

You can’t help but feel happier when your old, boring tech is being traded in for something brighter, more fun, and less boring. Smoko, one of the best places to get kawaii plushes, office accessories and more, has a wireless mouse you’ll want for all of your computers. Erin Condren, Rifle Paper Co., Anthropologie, Kate Spade, Amazon and Etsy, also have a great selection of items that’ll perk you up at four in the afternoon. 

Here are some adorable desk accessories to brighten your day in middle of long hours. These accessories are available below.