Football takes time, dedication and—for this Seattle Seahawk—lots of money.

Russell Wilson shared that he spends $1 million on his body every year, he said on the latest episode of Jimmy Kimmel LiveThis aired on Tuesday, March 1.

“It’s a lifestyle,” the professional football player said. “When you’re trying to play as long as I’m trying to play—I’m trying to play to 45, 12 more years—for me, the mentality, the focus level, everything that you have to do has to be surrounded around that.”

He added, “It was an amazing journey for us so far.”

Russell shared initially his huge expense with Russell in an interview. Bill SimmonsOn his October 2020 podcast. At that time, he stated, “I spend probably $1 million, or more, per year just for recovery.”

His Jimmy Kimmel appearance this week, Russell was joined by Ciara—his wife of almost six years—who supported his physical and financial dedication to staying in shape.

Jimmy Kimmel asked her if she ever found it annoying that he spent so much on his body, to which the music artist responded, “No, I’m in it with him.”