The stars of Stranger Things aren’t so little any more.
The fourth season of Netflix’s hit series is full of horrors. But according to Winona Ryder—who plays Joyce Byers—the show’s characters still remain the heart of the series.
CelebHomes News spoke to the actress, “It has become more frightening.” Daily Pop. It keeps that kind of connection between the parents and their children.
Noting that adults are quick to write off certain behaviors as kids being kids, Ryder said that teens endure “just as much pain and confusion. For them, it’s almost like fighting.
As a former teen star herself—starring in 80s hits like Beetlejuice, Lucas, And Heathers—Ryder stated that she’s “very protective” of the show’s younger stars.
“I’m not sure what to think about the kids working in this industry”, she stated, “but I have great feelings for these children.”