It was the moment Young RockFans have been waiting: Election Day.
Final season 2 finale on NBC’s hit comedy, “The Simpsons,” revealed final results. Dwayne John2032 presidential campaign. The pro-wrestler turned actor icon became a fictional politician, and he officially became your favorite TV President.
Unfortunately not, as Johnson shockingly lost to opponent Brayden Taft. Let’s see what the unexpected election results for season three mean. Young Rock?
Show creator and executive producer Nahnatchka Khan is weighing in on Johnson’s political loss, where next season will lead, plus her thoughts on Johnson running for president in real life. Read on for CelebHomes News’ exclusive Q&A with Khan.
CelebHomes News. Why was Johnson defeated in the election, from a storytelling perspective.
Nahnatchka Khan: When we first got picked up for season two we started having our broad strokes story sessions with Jeff ChiangDwayne, my co-creator and he, as well as everybody, believe that everyone wants to do unexpected things. After discussing these scenarios, it became very attractive to us all to think about the possibility of it not going the way we expect it to. This fits in with the overall theme. Young RockLife is an up-and-down rollercoaster ride. Even someone as successful in life as Dwayne, it has not been easy. There’s been so many ups and downs…Sometimes it just doesn’t go the way you think it’s going to.