Thomas Haden ChurchIt isn’t impressed Will Smith.
Hollywood keeps harping on about that crazy 2022 Oscars moment. But one Academy Award-nominated actor calls for Will not to take part in the ceremony. An interview with DebatableThomas shared his dismay on SiriusXM Volume. King Richard star.
He stated that he believed Will Smith should not be allowed to win the Oscars. He should be stripped of his Academy membership, but I do not think that he should lose the Oscar.
Thomas won the Best Supporting actor nomination in 2005. SidewaysAccording to, Will was “legitimately” awarded the Best Actor award because of his portrayal in Richard Williams. While he is supportive of the actor keeping his award, he feels there must be some consequences.
“I’ve worked for the Academy 17 years, and what he did, regardless of how he tried desperately to explain it and frankly, I believe a very pathetic excuse. He claimed that he was protecting Jada out of love. “I don’t know if it’s ever gonna be put to a vote with the Academy…it’s obviously a very big and diverse organization.”