Fantasy, Elephant, Man, Composite, Surreal, Tusks

What are dreams made of? For some people having a huge home with a landscape to die for is their ultimate dream. For some people, it’s having a walk-in wardrobe that only celebrities have and for others, it is simply having a beautiful organised pantry that is the envy of all your friends! Whatever the dream about your home, the reality is when it comes to wanting to sell it, is it better to hire a realtor or try to sell it yourself? 

Personally many people hire a realtor for many reasons, the top reason being that a good realtor knows what they are doing, the long and short of it is that they are professionals, and know every trick and tactic in the book, and will push to sell your home for maximum profit in the quickest time possible. Many people that use a realtor are people that do not have the time or want to spend what little spare time they have in showing people or attempting to show people around their homes. 

Why a celebrity uses a realtor 

Celebrities for instance would use a realtor to sell their home so they do not get bothered with fake potential buyers that are not interested in purchasing the home but more interested in gaining access to the celebrity themself. Even if it is just to pinch something from their beautifully organised pantry.This can lead to a lot of awkwardness, although people may see a celebrity as public property, they are indeed people that want and need some form of privacy, many celebrities have families and do not want these to be intruded upon. So the likelihood is, if you are viewing a celebrity’s home they will be in their other home or looking at buying another property abroad. 

What can a realtor do for you? 

People do struggle with being able to manage the time they have available especially if they have families. Finding time to fit everything into a busy schedule is far fun at times, work, school, outside activities, food shopping, travel time the list of things in your daily schedule is no doubt endless. It’s hard enough for many families to find some balance in being able to spend quality time together. When you do have spare time at the weekend, the idea of waiting to let someone poke around your home, while probably telling you what they hate and want to change kind of seems less attractive by the minute. The truth is the home you love and cherished for a lot of years is going to probably be criticized, this isn’t necessarily the buyer meaning to be rude but just their excitement coming out if they did manage to purchase your home.

They know how to answer questions 

For whatever reasons you are selling your home, you need to be confident in making your home stand out as the best property on the market. A realtor is confident in what they are doing and will not waiver when questions are asked, if it is something that they are unsure about they will swiftly move on the conversation and will come back to the question that was asked. Becoming a professional realtor takes time, so they have studied hard to gain the knowledge they need in dealing with properties. They will find the best qualities in your property and work with them to show your home at its best.

Listen to advice they give you 

 If a realtor is advising you on what you need to do to improve the chances of your sale then listen to them, they know what is a bonus, what is not and what absolutely needs to be fixed, repaired, or completely got rid of, they really do know their stuff. They will tell you to clean, make beds, make your windows sparkle and make rooms appear as large as they can possibly seem. The truth is if the realtor tells you to do something then it is going to benefit you, they do not want to waste their precious time, as the saying goes time is money.


Although a realtor does cost money to hire, they can be worth every penny if they do their job in the correct way. Leaving the worry of meeting potential buyers and the possibility of having phone calls at all times of the day and night in the realtor’s hands will immediately be eliminated from your everyday stress. Not having to interrupt your working day by trying to take time off to meet a buyer or being worried about not being able to answer your phone through fear of losing a sale, all become very stressful situations for people juggling family life.

Handing over the reins to a professional is going to prove less stressful, less time-consuming, and in general definitely worth the money. The realtor will handle the legal side of things and arrange everything from the beginning to the end leaving more time for you and your family to indulge in some fun!