KW:Some of my stars inspired me greatly Scandaldirected. The show was so historic in so many ways in terms of breaking ground, changing the face of television—but the only two actors on the show who ever directed at first were our two white male leads, Tony Goldwyn and Scott Foley. Shonda [Rhimes] asked me early on—I guess she was watching dailies and heard me talking to some of the actors—she said, “You know, I’d love for you to direct an episode.” But it took me a few seasons to have the guts to do it. It was important that the legacy of actors-directors continued to be diverse. I did not want it to end.
CelebHomes: Can you identify with the feeling of contentment about what you have accomplished for six minutes, then moving on to the next?
KW: I think so. It’s partly because I have never found myself drawn to the work in search of accolades. While I don’t mean to be arrogant, I believe the accolades I receive are amazing and should be celebrated more. The thing that gives me most joy is the discovery of a story and the creation of a path to make it come alive. To me, it’s like saying, “Look at what we are doing!” When I am on set at 6 AM on Monday morning, planning and executing my shot as the sun rises to ensure we are there at just the right moment. This is what I think is the most exciting part of my job.
(The interview was edited to be clear and concise.)
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