These products were chosen by us independently because they are our favorites and the prices we found them to be reasonable. CelebHomes may earn a commission for you purchasing through the links. Prices correct at the time of publication. CelebHomes is not the seller of these items.

When the weather outside is as hot as it’s been all summer, you need beauty products that can hold up in the heat. You don’t have to be worried about your lashes looking like a raccoon on a hot day. There are many waterproof mascaras available. However, not all waterproof mascaras work the same. Here are our top picks. 

CelebHomes Insider editors took the ultimate waterproof mascara challenge to see which mascaras actually work for them. They tried products from drugstore, premium and clean beauty brands, and wore them while at the gym, the pool, the shower and out in the sun. CelebHomes editors are not afraid to do the impossible. For example, one editor did a quick test to verify that these waterproof mascaras worked. Erin Lim even showed off how waterproof her mascara was in a nod to a popular TikTok video where she pretends to be out in the rain. We were delighted with the result, let’s just say.

We invite you to join the #EMascaraChallenge if you own a waterproof mascara that you love. 

Are you curious about which waterproof mascaras live up to your expectations? Below are our top picks.