The most common model for higher education is two years at a community college followed by two years for a bachelor’s degree. This model only represents 8% of transfer students. It is more common for students to graduate with their bachelors three or four years after their transfer. The push to engage more students in taking advantage of transferring is due to the cost. It is more cost efficient to complete an associates degree at a community college first. 

Transferring is a focus of Kentucky’s as it aims to reach its sixty by thirty goal. This goal is that 60% of the population will have a postsecondary degree by the year 2030. With this goal in mind the state is focusing on the right pathway for college students. Being on the right pathway to transfer is a key component to succeeding this goal. Students that enter this pathway will need to have a clear goal in mind for their degree path. Once this is established they will work with an advisor that will help with credits. Advisors will check-up with students and engage with them to ensure they are completing on time. The last step is ensuring the credits transfer to a university. Prioritizing the path students take from community colleges to university will ensure success.

Transfer success
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative