Sorry, Maddy Perez—TinxBetter NotJoke about falling into a particular Euphoria star’s DMs.

The TikTok personality took CelebHomes News inside her Instagram inbox on the latest episode of Below the DMs, revealing a relatively subtle reach-out to none other than Angus CloudHe plays Fezco, a fan favorite character on HBO’s series.

Sliding into his DMs like “every other girl in the world,” Tinx said she sent a simple “Hey.” Tinx said that he didn’t see it, read it, or cares about the ending of this story.  

She didn’t let this get her down though. She shared that she DMs. Girls‘ Christopher AbbottHer “go to line for hitting on men” is “Hi, I think that you are really handsome!” Although he hasn’t replied, she doesn’t regret it. She even mentioned that he was “out there watching” this episode.