The series, which consists of five episodes, is co-produced and directed in part by Rebecca Chaiklin and Eric Goode, with Chris Smith and Fisher Stevens serving as executive producers. Tiger King 2 teases that “newfound revelations emerge on the motivations, backstories,And secrets of America’s most notorious big cat owners,” with Jeff, Tim Stark, Allen Glover, And James Garretson returning on-camera. 

Season one staple Erik Cowie, who once worked for Joe Exotic, will not be making an appearance; he was found dead at a New York City residence earlier this month at the age of 52. 

Tiger King 2 may also follow Joe’s re-sentencing after a court vacated his 2020 sentence, ruling that the pair of murder-for-hire plot counts should have been grouped as a single conviction. 

Joe summarizes, “If I have make a deal to the Devil, I will do it with the Devil.” 

You can see the trailer above to see why this story is so powerful. 

Tiger King 2 Premieres Wednesday, November 17th on Netflix