These photos can help us smell salty air.

Hulu has released the first glimpse at the TV adaptation. Sally Rooney‘s Conversations with FriendsThursday, February 4. This is one image Alison Oliver, Joe Alwyn, Sasha Lane and Jemima Kirke pose on the shore of a Croatian beach, with clear watersAnd rocky mountains seen off in the distance. Another picture shows the cast staring straight at the camera, their skin exposed and tanned from their days at the beach. 

Of course, the trip to Croatia is just a small part of the story, with the rest of the series set in Belfast, a noticeably darker backdrop for the moody drama about love and betrayal.

It turned out that the Coronavirus pandemic was filmed in Northern Ireland, where many of the cast met. Alwyn stated that “the only people with whom we could have a good time were our friends.” Vanity Fair. We were all fortunate to get along really well.