We’ll be there to cheer you on InsecureOne last time.
Sunday, October 24, is the fifth and final season of the critically-acclaimed comedy. So while covering the red-carpet premiere in Los Angeles, Daily Pop correspondent Victor CruzAsk Issa RaeThe show’s final run will be teased by the company and the company.
According to the InsecureSeason five, co-creator and star, has concluded on her terms. It’s, like, the reckoning of their internal, you know, journeys—and I hope that people can see themselves in these characters.”
Co-star Yvonne OrjiSimilar sentiments were expressed, with the hint that the final season would be the best. What will viewers think? “Our fans are very hard to please,” she shared. “So they may be like, ‘Nah! Just because they mad—they still mad we not giving them an hour episode.”
On what’s to come for her character Molly, the Nigerian-born actress stayed tight-lipped, noting that there’s “closure all around.”