Surprise! Musician Kimberly PerryIt is married.
Actually, The Band Perry group member tied the knot with partner Johnny Costello over the summer and only recently revealed the wedding news. Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Dec. 18, the “Mother Like Mine” singer announced that she and her now-husband got married in June.
Kimberly started her blog post by writing, “Wishing everyone very Merry Christmas!” “Today, my love, @juannycostello. We are celebrating six months since I did the ‘I do’!
She then shared more details about their nuptials, writing, “On June 17th we hit the road from LA to Las Vegas in a black corvette and got married at midnight. This was a wild, wonderful experience that reminded me once again of God as the creator and mastermind behind the most amazing blueprints for my life. Johnny, I love you and will wait to see what the future holds for us.”
Johnny even gushed on Instagram about his wife.
“YALL! WE GOT MARIED !!!!”” he captioned his post on Saturday. Happy Six Months of Marriage @thekimberlyperry Every day should start with a prayer, and end with a kiss. “I Love You!”