Taylor SwiftThe best life advice you can get is Doctor ordered!
On May 18, the singer-songwriter, 32, received her honorary doctorate of fine arts from New York University and imparted a bit of wisdom to its graduating class of 2022. Taylor spoke movingly at the commencement and talked about how she grew up and what it was like to date in public. She also discussed the importance of not being told “no” and having her life canceled.
Taylor said that while she doesn’t usually give “unsolicited advice,” but she wanted to share some “life hacks” with the Yankee Stadium graduates. These were all about “navigating life”, love, pain, choice, shame, hope, and friendship.
In her life, Taylor said, “The times I was told, ‘No,’ or wasn’t included, wasn’t chosen, didn’t win, didn’t make the cut…looking back, it really feels like those moments were as important, if not more crucial, than the moments I was told ‘yes.'”