We “Bet You Think About It” Taylor SwiftThe legendary career of.
Grammy Winner reflected solely upon her family’s legacy Red album during CelebHomes News’ Daily PopTuesday, Nov.
Swift said that there are many new-slash old songs, such as the vault tracks. Red (Taylor’s Version). These are songs no one has ever heard. It was a great experience to re-record “All Too Well,” the 10-minute version. These lyrics were written long ago, but I have never recorded them before.
Swift’s directorial debut was for the 10-minute version. All Too Well short film starring Dylan O’Brien Sadie Sink.
Swift explained that it was a film about coming-of age. It focuses on a time when someone is between the ages of 19 and 20. You have one foot in childhood and one in adulthood. It’s difficult to know which one you are in and how fragile you feel in each moment. Life is hard. We get our hearts broken.