These products were chosen by us independently because they are our favorites and the prices we found them to be reasonable. CelebHomes may earn a commission for you purchasing through the links. All prices are correct as at publication time. CelebHomes is not the seller of these items.

Whether you need a dress for a friend’s summer wedding, a cute outfit for date night, or some stylish pieces to add to your work wardrobe, Lulus has all the trendiest styles for affordable prices. It’s our favorite place to buy cute, affordable clothing online. They have great quality, fast shipping, and always have discounts that make their prices even more affordable. In fact, Lulus is having a weekend sale right now!

From now until Aug. 14, you can take 20% off casual dresses and sandals using the code EASYPEASY. It’s a really great sale that features dress styles for both summer and fall. The sale also includes items already discounted. That means, you can find $60 dresses for as low as $7 with the extra 20% off discount. If you’re shopping for sandals, prices start at $7 as well, and we’ve already noticed several styles and sizes have sold out.

Don’t wait! Lulus is offering 20% savings on all dresses and sandals. Below are our top picks. You can check them out here.