These are just some of the possibilities. Hocus Pocus…and a little sneak peek!
Sarah Jessica Parker is giving the world what it’s been waiting for—the return of Sarah SandersonThe wrapping is complete. New wrapping Sex and the CityRevitalization Just like thatThe 56-year old actress officially began work on the much-anticipated film. Hocus Pocus 2.. SJP teased her Instagram Stories followers Wednesday Nov. 10 with some insight into the preparations that she’s making for her return as one of the Sanderson siblings youngest.
As she points to “Sarah Sanderson”‘s face, she sings: “Hair and makeup test on HP2”. This is just the make-up being mixed by the artist on set. We’ll keep you posted, people, about how everything turns out. It will all turn out.
The actress keeps her face in the picture and then takes a look at the blond wig being prepared. Where’s Sarah? Where’s Sarah,” she says in the iconic witches’ voice. I’m not showing any more at the moment. The early stages are still ahead of us.