However skittish she might be about reveling in adulation, Jinkx recognized that the support for her Judy impression was symbolic.
It was well-received, she stated. We still love the past. You can keep certain memories and icons around. You can still keep certain icons and memories alive today.
Judy wasn’t the only person who was praising Jinkx’s Snatch Game. It was my first experience in this country. Drag RaceHistory shows that the queens were often asked to bring along their own gifts. TwoJinkx selected and impressions on the table Russian dollStar Natasha Lyonne for her second.
Jinkx declared, “I love this human so much.” “It was a thrill to perform a Snatch Game for someone who is still alive, as I have never experienced that before.”
As it turned out, the feeling was mutual. Natasha herself tweeted a clipJinkx was impressed and said “Jinkx!” It was an honour.
Legends supporting legends.