It Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast is celebrating the show’s 250th episode by doing what they do best: arguing at dinner. 

In CelebHomes News’ exclusive sneak peek of the landmark June 13 episode, it’s Sutton Stracke Diana JenkinsWho are in conflict, even though Crystal Kung MinkoffCrystal is the one who kicks things off. As Crystal tells Sutton, “Last night, you said you hated me then liked me.” 

Sutton instantly denied this and Diana jumped in. Diana replies, “I heard that.” Diana says, “You said, “I hate you, but I love you.” “I heard that!” 

Cue RHOBH‘s producers rolling Sutton’s ActualThis is a quote: Crystal, I like you. She is a good friend of mine. She is a horrible person, but I love her.

Regardless, Sutton is doubling down. Sutton said: “I said, “I hate what your did to me.” Not, ‘I hate you.'”

According to Diana, Sutton is a “bacon-eating vegetarian.” She confesses in a confessional. “She has just contradicted herself once again. And I’m realizing that she’s more than I thought.