“There was a post—I guess that everybody was showing—of Khloe KardashianShe said that she had posted the contents of her pantry. She said that she saw her pantry. It was so organized and looked high-end. I was like, ‘Okay, girl,’ like, ‘I need to step my game up.’ Rasheeda received it. I said, ‘Her pantry makes me feel poor.’ And Rasheeda says, ‘I was just looking, like, well damn! It looks almost like a porta potty !”” in my pantry
The Kandi & the GangStar also enjoys keeping her friends informed about the most recent NSFW gossip.
She laughed and said, “I send all of the crazy stories. So I’ll send some wild stuff. Whatever I’m seeing is inappropriate.” I guess there were a lot more sex tapes on the Internet. Big Sean—his ‘Big Sean’ was showing on Twitter [allegedly]. “So, I decided to email it to my glam princesses.”
Burruss spoke out to say that she is often contacted by DMs about her Atlanta restaurant Old Lady Gang.