Baby showers shouldn’t be scary, but they are supposed to celebrate new life.
Nikki GlaserWants to throw her sister. Lauren GreenCelebHomes News Exclusive:, A Baby Shower Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? preview, even though she knows little to nothing about planning one.
Lauren is my sister and she’s 2 years younger than I. Glaser admits to being the most beautiful woman she has ever met in confessional. She chose a completely different life path. “She’s now married to an extraordinary guy. Matt. Two children are theirs, with a third in the pipeline.
While their mother is away, Julie Glaser, always assumed her girls would have kids one day, Nikki’s career always seemed to come first.
She joked that she was 37 years old and tells dick jokes to make a living. “I am currently trying for love with my ex-boyfriend, with whom I have been going off and on for eight years.”
Julie introduces her daughter to the concept of a “baby sprinkle”—a baby shower for someone who’s already had a kid—and Nikki is on board. Despite not having been to her sister’s showers before, she has everything covered by her mom.