Vin included in his post a photo of Meadow in her wedding dress and an image of his 13-year-old daughter, Hania Sinclair. This actor can also be dad to his son Vincent SinclairA 6-year-old and an 11-year old daughter Pauline SinclairPaul’s son, he is called.
Vin said, “I had just told you I was going to have a baby soon and wasn’t sure what I should expect at the hospital I was headed to after work.” I will never forget the advice you gave me. You said that a lot tough men would tell you not to go into labor, but this is wrong. It will be one of the most memorable days in your entire life. Of course you were speaking from personal experience as an angel yourself. Today is eight years old… It doesn’t seem like a single day passes that I haven’t thought about our brotherhood.
He said, “Tragedies are always followed up by blessings in life if you keep your eyes open and believe.” Pablo, this picture will bring you a smile. It is this same angel you prepared for me in the most wonderful way by your brotherly guidance. This angel Meadow requested to be her Maid-of-Honor was the angel I helped prepare. It’s hard to believe that I didn’t know this back in 2008, but perhaps you did. Miss you. Always hearing my kids tell me uncle Paul is there for you dad, every day…and I can confirm that in my heart. Miss you Pablo…”