Your honor, we move to introduce the cast of Mathis Family Matters.

Judge Greg Mathis, Sr.‘s brand new reality TV series is headed to CelebHomes on Sunday, June 19, and after meeting the many personalities that make up his family, there’s no way you’ll object to tuning in. 

This is the story of an honorable judge, and his spouse. Linda MathisThey were their two adult children. Jade38, and Greg Jr., 33, move home to Los Angeles to find their way. There are also children Camara35, Amir, 31, who already call Hollywood home—and are ready to share their own journeys, careers, relationships and more. 

Plus, while Judge MathIs isn’t exactly a stranger to the cameras—he is the longest-running African-American male host on television, after all—Mathis Family Matters will offer fans a rare look into his life outside of the courtroom.