Honey Boo Boo Boo holla may be made by a dolla, but The Masked SingerThe reality star singing.
It was revealed that the Nov. 3 episode featured this revelation. Alana ThompsonHoney Boo Boo Boo was best known for her role as Honey Boo Boo. She was also present beneath the beach ball costume. The reality TV star was not the only one on stage. It was confirmed that Alana’s mom, June “Mama June” ShannonThe multi-colored cover also concealed a solitary figure, namely.
The mother-daughter team found themselves on the Thanksgiving-themed episode as wild card contestants. This explains why we didn’t know much about the beach ball leading up to the new episode.
During the introduction, a then-masked Alana explained that it was only right that she join the show as a wildcard, because her life has “kind of been wild.”
She continued, “I was thrown in to the game at an early age and in the spotlight for quite a while.” I had famous recipes and a hit single that i recorded in one take.