An indoor vertical garden can freshen up virtually any room in your home. They are inexpensive and easy to maintain. Have an unsightly wall in the living room that needs renovation? Forget the paint and wallpaper; don’t worry about hanging a painting to cover a stain or crack — with a little simple work you can have fresh and blooming flowers that hide a multitude of defects and give a room an outdoor appeal, as well as keeping the air cleaner.

A vertical garden rack can be cobbled together from bits and pieces of lumber and wire you have at home, if you’re the handyman (or handygal) type. Or you can purchase a ready made vertical garden rack at any hardware store or most big box stores.

In the kitchen a vertical garden of herbs like rosemary, thyme, chives, mint, and basil not only brighten things up, but give your cooking some extra zest without having to make a special trip to the grocery store.

Try a vertical garden of succulents in your bathroom. They need little care and when you cut yourself shaving or need some soothing balm for skin irritations just snap off an aloe vera leaf and rub the sap on the affected area. Be your own dermatologist!