The Cast of Love Island USAThe heat is on. 

Peacock’s iteration of the beloved U.K. series finally kicks off on July 19, but before you hit play and head to the picturesque California villa where the Islanders are staying, why not get to know a little (or, in some cases, a lot) about what exactly they’re looking for in a partner? 

CelebHomes News Daily Pop caught up with the cast just in time for the premiere, and it’s safe to say that everyone’s raring to go. Take ZetaFor example, As she put it during the exclusive interview, “I have to be physically attracted to you, emotionally, spiritually attracted to you. All of these qualities make me a horndog. It’s like, “Let’s go now, then, tomorrow, next week, and so on.”

TimmyHe is just as excited to find his match. Daily PopHe only wants to find a handful of attributes. “I love hips. I also love the buttocks. He laughed and said that toenails are also important. “If you see what I want, it’s something that I will pursue.”