The further we stray from water and steam, the more advanced the fuel source becomes. In today’s age, lithium is the fuel source that powers our future forward. Namely, lithium has been popularized by their usage in lithium-ion batteries, which powers smartphones, computers, and numerous appliances. However, the explosion of modern technology can only go as far as the lithium powering it.

It is estimated that by 2025 lithium supply is going to be outpaced by its demand. Furthermore, the demand of lithium is expected to increase over 2000% by 2030, with even more foreseeable demand. While Chile and Australia are currently the most notable producers, many major countries analyze the feasibility of producing lithium. With the movement for sustainable energy and climate change, electric vehicles are becoming common. However, with 8 KG of lithium needed per pack, they are incredibly resource-intensive to the shrinking lithium supply.  These electric vehicles combined with electronics and the plethora of other applications for lithium-ion batteries means the world only becomes more and more reliant upon lithium.

While lithium has secured its place as a stark improvement over previous fuel sources, its short supply is a definitive cause for concern. With an imminent supply deficit and the demand only growing higher, something else may displace lithium as the fuel of the future.

Lithium In The Energy Economy