Jeff BridgesHe is reflecting upon the difficulties he experienced during his battle against cancer and COVID-19.

It Only the BraveThe actor first spoke out about lymphoma treatment in 2020. He is currently in remission.

He said that chemo is “that’s what chemotherapy does” in an interview. PeoplePublised May 26, 2009. You are completely wiped out of your immune system. It was impossible to defeat it. My cancer looked like it was nothing with COVID.”

Jeff stated that he experienced a “dance” feeling with his “mortality” while battling each simultaneously.

He said, “I was very close to death.” I was told by doctors that Jeff had to continue fighting. Your not fighting. “I was ready to surrender. I was prepared to leave.”

According to the outlet, Jeff was able to find himself back in better health after he began convalescent plasma therapy—a process in which blood from those who have recovered from a specific illness is given to patients who are fighting that illness.