Peacock’s latest series Wolf Like Me gets more mysterious by the minute. 

This six-part series follows Gary (premiering Jan. 13).Josh GadMary and he became an emotionally distraught wreck, unable to support his daughter after the loss of his wife.Isla Fisher() who is ashamed to tell anyone a secret about herself.

CelebHomes News exclusive explains how puzzling it is. Wolf Like Me trailer.

In the sneak peek, we’re introduced to the Gary and Mary, who they themselves meet after a minor car accident that results in Gary’s daughter Emma having a panic attack.

Mary quickly calms her down—something Gary has never been able to do—and later gifts her a book, adding, “I wanted to say sorry for wrecking your universe.”

Gary is moved by Mary’s “thoughtful gesture” and begins to have a chat with her. We see them again and again, but each time Mary runs away, it seems that they are still in contact.