You can plan a baby shower by following these steps Nikki Glaser feeling maternal.
Nikki is a successful comedian, actress, podcast host, and many other things. In CelebHomes News, she discusses the possibility that Nikki could become a parent. Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? preview.
To set the scene, all of the guests are having a great time at the baby shower that Nikki and her mom, Julie Glaser, planned for Nikki’s younger sister, Lauren GreenShe is currently pregnant with her third child.
Nikki’s roommate is and The Nikki Glaser Podcast co-host Andrew CollinJoking that she is having an especially good time and “I ate such a lot, I feel pregnant.”
Nikki and her sister chat at a table. AnnaOne of my friends asked me, “Does it seem like you would consider having small babies one day?”
Nikki has previously thought of her career as her child. She says that her dream is to have a child…as long they look like her sweet niece. Poppy.
“When you see…” [Poppy]”I want more of yours, but it’s not certain that I will get one like you,” she jokes. “I would need someone to ride me to the sperm banks. I gotta get a ride.”